The cool thing about interviews is you basically get to let loose with your rapport skills. It's like hitting the heavy bag. You've learned a lot about banter, you've practised polite conversation, and now you're read to deploy it. If you're good you'll punch through that polite layer and have a real conversation. That's the fun of it.
The uncool thing about interviews is having to listen to your own voice in the recording while you transcribe. I'm a pretty quick transcriber -- something that I was really proud of when I was a magazine intern -- but boy do I want to not listen to myself outside of my own head.
I did a couple of cool interviews this past week with some exciting, rising artists. First was Electric Mantis for Moxipop. It was a good, casual and candid conversation in which I did not feel any intense shame. Hope that dude makes it. Second was NO for Buzzchips, which was a little more difficult due to it being during the opening act. I also suffered from hindsight syndrome; I came up with a lot of specific questions and ideas after the fact. Still, they're a great band with a strong album and I can't wait to see what happens.
P.S. I started typing this at a coffee shop where I swear to god adrian brody was enjoying a vegetable sandwich or something across the room